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Cen­ter of choice

At KNEIFEL, you’ll always have a wide choice. From small student pia­nos to large upright pia­nos, from quar­ter-tops to concert grand pia­nos, you’ll be able to find the one that best suits your needs.

Over 100 dif­ferent ins­tru­ments to test

A unique col­lec­tion of ins­tru­ments in all price ranges awaits you in the cen­ter of Gene­va. This choice also extends to the exe­cu­tion of the fur­ni­ture, since you can choose from dif­ferent types of wood (wal­nut, bubin­ga, maho­ga­ny…), in various shades and finishes. We also offer a wide range of qua­li­ty key­boards. Por­table or fixed ins­tru­ments, weigh­ted or light­weight key­boards, with or without orches­tra­tion, woo­den keys… Digi­tal pia­nos come in many shapes and sizes.

Stein­way & Sons, FAZIOLI, C. Bech­stein — All under one roof !

Unique in the world : the three best grand pia­no manu­fac­tu­rers side by side. A dream for the deman­ding pianist.


A quick look at the ser­vices we offer.

The ins­tru­ments

Browse our brands and find your ideal instrument !
