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Wel­come to our exclu­sive range of pia­no brands, care­ful­ly orga­ni­zed to meet eve­ry need and eve­ry passion.

Our selec­tion of Stein­way & Sons pia­nos is unsur­pas­sed, ideal for the serious musi­cian see­king excel­lence and pres­tige. Syno­ny­mous with qua­li­ty and crafts­man­ship, C. Bech­stein reflects the high culture of music, per­fect for the deman­ding pianist.

The mas­ter class is embo­died by Fazio­li, a brand dis­tin­gui­shed by its unique rich­ness of sound and tech­ni­cal per­fec­tion, ideal for pro­fes­sio­nal musi­cians and ama­teurs alike. Howe­ver, our range of Schim­mel pia­nos com­bines tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion, ideal for begin­ners and advan­ced players loo­king for consistent quality.

Yama­ha is world-renow­ned for its reliable tech­no­lo­gy and ver­sa­ti­li­ty, a must for schools and music stu­dios. W. Hoff­mann com­bines Euro­pean crafts­man­ship with affor­dable prices, a good choice for begin­ners and advan­ced musi­cians alike.

With its first-class crafts­man­ship and exqui­site sound, Sau­ter is an excellent choice for pro­fes­sio­nal pia­nists. Bos­ton and Essex, desi­gned by Stein­way & Sons, offer excep­tio­nal qua­li­ty at a more affor­dable price, per­fect for bud­ding musicians.

Gro­trian-Stein­weg offers a balance bet­ween tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion, sui­table for pia­nists see­king a unique, robust sound. Sabel offers magni­ficent pia­nos, sui­table for both domes­tic and pro­fes­sio­nal use.

For those see­king digi­tal inno­va­tion, Roland offers state-of-the-art digi­tal pia­nos with impres­sive sound qua­li­ties and tech­no­lo­gies. Final­ly, Kawai, known for its warm sound and excellent playa­bi­li­ty, offers a wide range of pia­nos, sui­table for begin­ners and pro­fes­sio­nal musi­cians alike.

Browse our selec­tion and dis­co­ver the per­fect pia­no for your musi­cal needs. Our experts are rea­dy to accom­pa­ny you on your jour­ney. Our aim is to pro­vide you with the ins­tru­ment that makes your heart sing.