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Kawai : the brand for pia­nos and grand pianos

Kawai is a Japa­nese com­pa­ny that has been making pia­nos and grand pia­nos since 1887. The com­pa­ny is known for its high qua­li­ty and inno­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies. Kawai offers a wide range of pia­nos and grand pia­nos, inclu­ding acous­tic, digi­tal and hybrid pianos.

Kawai pia­nos are made from high-qua­li­ty mate­rials and are renow­ned for their balan­ced sound and pre­cise playa­bi­li­ty. The com­pa­ny is also a major spon­sor of musi­cal events and has sup­por­ted nume­rous musi­cians, inclu­ding Lang Lang, Yuja Wang and Hiro­mi Uehara.

If you’re loo­king for a high-qua­li­ty pia­no or grand pia­no, Kawai is an excellent choice. The com­pa­ny offers a wide range of pro­ducts to meet the needs of all musicians.


Doté de l’au­then­tique cla­vier à touches en bois Grand Feel Com­pact, des magni­fiques sono­ri­tés de pia­no à queue de concert SK-EX et EX et de la connec­ti­vi­té Blue­tooth® moderne, le CA49 axé sur le pia­no offre bon nombre des atouts des modèles Concert Artist haut de gamme dans un ensemble plus modeste et plus abordable.


Com­bi­ning the latest Grand Feel Com­pact wood-key key­board and the superb SK-EX, SK‑5 and EX grand pia­no sounds, with a power­ful 4‑speaker out­put, conve­nient USB audio func­tions, Blue­tooth® MIDI and Audio connec­ti­vi­ty, and a strong selec­tion of sounds, the CA59 offers the very best in feel, sound and fea­tures at an excep­tio­nal price.


Com­bi­ning Kawai’s indus­try-lea­ding Grand Feel III wood key­board, the stun­ning SK-EX ren­de­red pia­no sound engine with mul­ti-chan­nel sam­pling and reso­nance mode­ling, Onkyo’s high-end audio pro­ces­sing and ampli­fi­ca­tion tech­no­lo­gies, and a power­ful 6‑speaker out­put sys­tem, the CA79 deli­vers authen­tic grand pia­no playing at a com­pe­ti­tive price.


Com­bi­ning Kawai’s latest Grand Feel III wood key­board, the advan­ced SK-EX ren­de­red pia­no sound engine with mul­ti-chan­nel sam­pling and reso­nance mode­ling, Onkyo’s high-end ampli­fier and spea­ker tech­no­lo­gies, and an authen­tic woo­den sound­board, the CA99 offers one of the best grand pia­no expe­riences avai­lable in a digi­tal instrument.


The new Res­pon­sive Ham­mer Com­pact II (RHC II) mecha­nism has been deve­lo­ped to repro­duce the dis­tinc­tive touch of an acous­tic grand piano.


The new Res­pon­sive Ham­mer III mecha­nism recreates the dis­tinc­tive touch of an acous­tic grand pia­no, with its rea­lis­tic move­ment and pre­cise triple-sen­sor tech­no­lo­gy pro­vi­ding a fluid, natu­ral and high­ly res­pon­sive playing experience.